Another Season's Event in Asakusa

Hozuki Market (July 9,10)

  On July 9 and 10, Sensoji temple in Asakusa is filled with "tiny red lanterns", Hozuki. Hozuki is a plant which produces cherry like fruit in early summer. The fruit is covered with its calyx, which was green at first, then turn into red later.  It looks like a tiny red lantern.

Why July9 and 10?

 July 9 and 10 are the special lucky day for Sensoji. It is believed that you will have blessing for 46000 days if you visit the temple in those days. Wow!! You will get a lifelong blessing by only one visit!!

Therefore a lot of people gather on those days. Then the precincts are filled with street Hozuki vendors aiming for worshippers. Actually, it's fun to buy from them in traditional costume with a hilarious sales pitch.

Why Hozuki?

To tell the truth, I am not sure why Hozuki is so popular in this season. According to the internet searching there are several stories. 

One says there is no other colorful flower like this in early summer days. Another says Hozuki works as a medicine. However, I like the following explanation. 

During the summer season we Japanese believe the spirits of our ancestors return home. They need light to find their way home and Hozuki serves as lanterns for them. 

I bought small Hozuki and placed them on my desk for my parents in heaven to find their way.